Join Us!

From student to supporter, many have already joined our new generation of innovators. We share in common a commitment to the public’s right-to-know the quality of their water, and to advancing technologies that will ensure that right. If our mission inspires you (and you drink water too),  join the team! Read on to learn how.

Blue CoLab Team

Students: We need a wide range of talents: data, tech, natural sciences, policy, user experience, product development, social media, and more. You can enroll, volunteer, or watch for internship possibilities such as the “Virginia Letourneau Internship,” and the “Ada Lovelace Environmental Technology Internship.”

Faculty: Faculty from multiple disciplines, ranging from environmental science to product development have assisted Blue CoLab, and mentored its students. Just one example: Professor Andreea Cotoranu, a Blue CoLab co-founder, whose User Experience and Product Development graduate students have taken on Blue CoLab as their client, assisting with innovative ways of turning complex data into digestible information.

Supporters: Though barely more than two years old, Blue CoLab has benefitted from more than $600,000 in external funding, and much-needed donated instruments and related equipment. With these resources we give our student team a professional experience on real-world projects that advance our important mission. Our goal is to double our support in the next two years. More here:

As with all great projects and institutions, Blue CoLab began as a simple idea. We built that idea into a year-round program that involves scores of students, faculty and supporters in common purpose to protect hundreds of millions of lives.

The planet is in desperate need of a global technological initiative that will bring to people the right-to-know their drinking water. We can think of no better place to begin than right here on the Pace University campus.

If our mission interests you, contact John Cronin, Blue CoLab Director: