Blue CoLab  CIT349 

What’s it about? 

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Real-time water sensing tech, data management, and programming for the protection of human and environmental health.

HANDS-ON: Work with Blue CoLab instruments, hardware, servers, data lab, equipment lab & Choate Pond lab.

TEAM PROJECTS: Coding, UX, web & app development, visualization, sonification, social media & more.

What Does Blue CoLab Do?

Blue CoLab team fall 2022

Fall ’22 Blue CoLab Team.

Both a program and a course like no other, Seidenberg School’s Blue CoLab conducts training and research in real-time environmental monitoring technologies on Pleasantville’s Choate Pond, and in our data and technology labs. We deploy and operate water and atmospheric sensing instruments to understand better human and natural impacts — on our research pond, the rivers it feeds, and, eventually the planet’s oceans. 

Where can I see students’ work?

Ada monitoring station

Ada monitoring station on Choate Pond

If you spied Ada, the solar-powered, orange monitoring station on Choate Pond, you’ve already seen a bit of our work. Its sensors measure and transmit water quality data to our Blue CoLab server every 15 minutes. Our team of students, staff and faculty work year-round interpreting the data,  developing new methods for understanding and presenting them, and determining how the Pace community affects the surrounding watershed.

More of our work:

On your laptop:

About Ada:

Text Bot: Text “Ada” to 914-483-5900 for the latest info

Twitter Bot: @bluecolab for reports from Ada and our hyperlocal weather station

Instagram: @bluecolab

How do I enroll?

Blue CoLab at work

Weekly scrum, installing instruments, rowing to Ada, students hanging in the Data Lab.

You can be part of the exciting, groundbreaking Blue CoLab by enrolling in the 1 and 3 credit courses we offer each semester, volunteering for our team projects, or applying for internships when they are available.

Watch for the Spring ’23 course listing: 

Blue Colab  CIT349  1, 2 and 3 credit options

Or contact us:

Director John Cronin,

Project coordinator Leanne Keeley,